
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Obliphica The new Hair Care Products Revolution! Sea Buckthorn the magical fruit

Let me tell you about this great and wonderful line of hair products called: OBLIPHICA.

I have tried it on my hair and I have to tell you that if you thought Keratase was good, this is better!

It is made from a powerful fruit called Sea Buckthorn that is grown in the Himalayas and Siberia. This fruit it's also used to cure skin burns, scars, stretch marks, eczema and many others.

This makes your hair so soft, shiny as if you would have had a deep hair treatment at the salon.

The nutrient content and the antioxidants qualities are extremely high, including:

§ Vitamin A (carotenoids: Alfa and Beta carotene)

§ Vitamin B (B1, B2, B3, B6)

§ Vitamin C

§ Vitamin E (tocopherols)

§ Vitamin K

§ Organic Amino Acids (18 different animo acids)

§ Dietary minerals

§ B-sitosterol

§ Polyphenolic Acids

§ Macro and micro trace elements, 11 out of 14, including Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Boron, Silicon, etc.

§ Omega-3-6-9 essential fatty acids

§ Flavonoids

§ Other Bio-active compounds

The Obliphica oil moisturizes and strengthens hair, protecting it from the environment.

Natural UV filters create a screen against sun exposure, delaying the process of aging, graying and hair loss.

I would say that if you use the shampoo with the Hair mask the results will be incredible.

You will love the smell of the products too.

The hair serum is wonderful too, I have nothing but great things to say about Obliphica.

Visit http://www.unlimitedbeautysupplies.com/